Mennonites Table
Sophisti designed and developed the centrally placed multi-touch table for the Menno Simons Center and the touring exhibition ‘Mennonite: My Passion!’. On this 46″ multi-touch table visitors can view 140 Mennonite churches in The Netherlands with images and text. In focus are the portrait pictures of the many volunteers taken by Bert Janssen. On each church you can explore besides the portrait pictures also a collection of historic images while the linked portrait is vertically displayed as well. The exhibition is on tour in The Netherlands from May 2011 onwards from Witmarsum Friesland, to Haarlem, Leeuwarden and further. The exhibition is designed by Tekst & Uitleg en the technology is supplied by DIZ Informatiezuilen.
Kees Knijnenberg (Menno Simons Center):
“The nice and useful thing of the by Sophisti developed multi-touch table is that with a large quantity of various images people are being activated and enthused to make discoveries in company of others. We received many positive responses. In cooperation with Tekst en Uitleg from Haarlem and the experience, professionally and creativity of Sophisti we have a fantastic and successful product. We shall exhibit the table with its current content for at least another year on different locations throughout The Netherlands.”
Year: 2011
Images: Rikst Westra