Ping: Connected Lamp

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Non-verbal communication is a far greater force than we often imagine. We live in a time where distances often separate us from our loved ones. Sophisti was inspired by this and designed an everyday product to carry a simple meaning: ‘I think of you’.

PING’s pieces connect over the internet with WiFi or Bluetooth. When one person turns on their light by tapping it, an intimate glow will spread in both halves of PING. When the other person turns on their light as well, both will shine bright together. This makes loved ones aware of each other over long or short distance. And PING gives them a small peek into the other’s daily rhythm.

Two halves of PING mirror each other, just like two people when they are together.

PING will ship to you and your loved one only when Sophisti reaches 1000 orders.
So spread the word that PING is coming!

Year: 2019




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