Gamechanger: Gameboard

After the GameChanger, Sophisti remains searching for the next step in Hybrid gaming. Near Field Communication (NFC) is an incredibly interesting technology for this. In most applications though one single reader reads out one single playing piece. For strategic games this is too limited. Together with NXP we have developed a 48 fields matrix solution which allows to read out multiple playing pieces simultaneously but also detects where they are on the board. All this without using more the one NFC-Reader IC.

We believe our gaming platform brings the success of the ‘toys to life’ category to a next level because of the following key points:
  • Interact with up to 48 NFC-figures simultaneously (encrypted read/write support).
  • Low power consumption: 24 hours of non-stop gameplay on 2 AA batteries with stand-by time of 2 years.
  • Wireless Bluetooth connection, allowing to work with most tablets, smart phones, consoles and smart TV’s.
  • Low bill-of-material costs because we only use 1 NFC-processor to scan all fields.
  • Easy integration for game developers: well-documented iOS, Apple-TV, Android and Unity-3d SDK available. console SDKs can be developed on request.
We have applied this principle in a series of prototypes which currently look a lot like Gamechanger but can take virtually any form. For Demo purposes this board communicates with Bluetooth Smart to an iPad. Dinos vs Robots is a basic strategy game in which each player tries to conquer more land then his or her opponent. By placing playing pieces strategically on the board you can win this turn based game.
Sophisti has done the game design, prototype design and software development. For the electronics we have worked together with the NXP NFC Labs. The demonstrators are used now by NXP to show what is possible with NFC. This product has been shown at Gamescom 2015.

A next step in this field has been set in NPLAY.



Year: 2015-

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